Dr. Lindsay Mathieson

Registered Psychologist

Dr. Lindsay Mathieson is a Registered Psychologist who has expertise in evidence-based assessment of developmental and behavioural concerns, such as learning disabilities, ADHD, intellectual disability, and prenatal substance exposure. She conducts psychoeducational assessments with children, adolescents, and young adults. She finds it very rewarding to help individuals (and their families) better understand their unique learning profile and needs and to make recommendations for home and school that best support their needs in those settings. In addition to her work at NSSAC, she also conducts psychoeducational assessments for both the Complex Development and Behavioural Conditions (CDBC) and Provincial Autism Resource Centre (PARC) programs at Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children.

Dr. Mathieson received her PhD in Developmental Psychopathology and Clinical Science from the University of Minnesota, specializing in child development and clinical psychology. She completed her residency in the Department of Clinical Health Psychology within the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Manitoba with a focus on assessment and treatment of children and adolescents. Prior to joining the team at NSSAC, she worked full-time conducting assessments at Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children.

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